2021 Winter coat drive
Just $50 buys one warm coat for a New Yorker in need!

Možno vieme pomôcť aj vám
To learn more about our emergency and recovery services, please call us at (212) 444-8282 or send us a message.
Caridad also provides up to 1,000 hot, nutritious meals to needy New Yorkers throughout Manhattan and the Bronx every night of the year. The Grand Central Food Program begins each night by providing meals at St. Bartholomew’s Church on 32st Street between Park and Lexington Avenues. From there, three mobile vans leave to provide meals at the stops and approximate times listed below.
If you need information on where to get assistance with food services please call (212) 444-8282
Homeless individuals and families have a right to shelter in the City of New York. If you are currently homeless, you can seek assistance at the intake shelters listed below which are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have a question about accessing shelter or other services please call (212) 444-8282
We provide services three days a week.
Our shower and clothing program at our campus (327 Homdoz Place) is now offered indoors on a limited basis. The program takes place on Tuesdays (for men and women), Wednesdays (men) and Fridays (men). Sign up takes place at 6:45 a.m. on the day of the program. Each person receives hygiene items and a full set of clean clothing.
If you have more questions please call (212) 444-8282
We provide medical care. Medical care is available on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. All medical care is provided free of charge, regardless of insurance status.
If you have more questions please call (212) 444-8282

Help, hope and opportunity
Citywide impact
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What we do
How we help
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Caring During the COVID19
Frederik Ozanam
Som tu, aby som vám slúžil
Frédéric Ozanam (1813–1853) bol francúzsky katolícky učenec, filozof a sociálny reformátor. Bol zakladateľom Spoločnosti sv. Vincenta de Paul, organizácie zameranej na pomoc chudobným a núdznym. Ozanam bol profesorom práva a literatúry na Sorbonne a svojimi dielami a činnosťou obhajoval sociálnu spravodlivosť a kresťanskú charitu. Jeho život bol príkladom viery, vzdelania a služby druhým. V roku 1997 ho pápež Ján Pavol II. vyhlásil za blahoslaveného.
„Charita nie je len o zmierňovaní bolesti chudoby, ale o jej prevencii a zmene podmienok, ktoré ju spôsobujú.“